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What it means to be a mom by day and graphic designer by night

This is my standard response to the common icebreaker question when meeting new people, "So what do you do?" I take immense pride in both of these roles so I always lead with those words, "Mom by day, graphic designer by night," ... as though that made me a super hero or something. I'm sure many of you can relate, trying to balance the demanding needs of family and work. Whether you run your own business and can give yourself a lot of flexibility in your juggling act or you work at a 9-5 job that requires a lot of finagling to stay home during virtual school, I want everyone to stop and pat themselves on the back. Whatever your work status, really anyone who truly is a parent to a child is a super hero, and I just don't mean to that boy or girl. So congratulations! You saved the day again! Take a glimpse into my "super hero" life.  Gain some comfort in seeing you're not the only one out there burning the candle at both ends  of the stick.  Befo

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